Get your electricity bill dropping quicker than the temperature

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Category: Solar and Efficient

Get your electricity bill dropping quicker than the temperature

Eish, winter is coming – but with the cost of electricity rising, it seems that those of us without a cosy fireplace might either be left out of pocket or out in the cold. Shorter days and longer nights have us all already digging deeper into our pockets due to escalating electricity tariffs, never mind the cold creeping in and the need to stay warm.

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s (Nersa) decision to grant Eskom a much lower tariff hike than the power utility’s original request of 20.5% caused us to breathe a sigh of relief. However, the approved 7.47% hike for consumers buying directly from Eskom is still likely to make us think twice before turning on the heater.

Fortunately, our Solar Solutions can help your community scheme bring on the heat without dishing out the dough. With further electricity price hikes on the cards for the coming years, being proactive and considering an alternative energy supply for your home makes perfect sense. Even more so when considering the added impact of rising inflation, interest rates and fuel prices on our pockets.

By installing a solar PV system in your community scheme, you can help lessen the impact of the price hikes significantly. Many complexes and estates are already cutting costs and ensuring a cleaner, more reliable electricity supply by harnessing the power of the sun.

If you are eager to start saving on your energy costs, here are some important factors to consider before embarking on a solar energy project for your community scheme.

Comparing apples and oranges

There are different ways of acquiring a solar system. Let’s look at some of the options we can help you with:

Owning the System

The community scheme can pay upfront for purchasing and installing the equipment. Should you have the necessary funds available, we can put you in touch with one of our trusted solar providers. They can help you assess the available space in your complex or estate and install a system that is tailored to your unique requirements.

However, many schemes might not have the finances available to pay for the entire system in advance. In this case, your body corporate may want to consider our Project Funding Solution to pay for the system and its installation. Repayment terms are flexible and there are no hidden fees. The only cost would be the applicable interest rate.

It is important to keep in mind that owning the solar system would mean that the scheme would be responsible for the insurance, monitoring and maintenance of the infrastructure. You might also need to replace the equipment in future, should the technology become outdated.

An Electricity Service Supply Agreement (ESSA)

In partnership with Bright Light Solar, we can provide your scheme with a fully-funded Solar Solution that does not require any upfront capital expenditure. If you sign an electricity service and supply agreement (ESSA) with us, we take care of the installation, insurance, maintenance or monitoring of the system. You only pay for the electricity you use every month over the contract period, at a tariff that is guaranteed to be lower than Eskom. That’s right – you get to reap all the benefits of solar, without the hassle or risk!

Another factor to consider is the exponential rate at which solar technology is developing. An additional benefit of an ESSA is that the replacement of outdated technology would be our responsibility, ensuring that you have the most efficient system.

Leave it to the experts

Having the incorrect system installed, and not having it installed properly or in the wrong place can result in wastage and an unreliable supply of electricity. It is also crucial that the integrity of your roofs be factored in and preserved during the process.

Our specialist team will conduct a feasibility study and assess the available space. They will advise you on how best to take advantage of the free energy provided by the sun. Systems can be installed on rooftops, carports or any other unused space in your common property areas. Your current energy consumption will determine the correct size of the system for your scheme’s needs.

Consider bolting on more grid independence

Increased electricity demand over the winter months just adds to the pressure on the already strained national grid. This will probably lead to increased visits from our all too familiar foe load-shedding. But here’s some good news…

We can help you add a Battery Backup Solution to your solar system, ensuring you can still have a warm drink or hot shower during extended power cuts. The battery storage unit saves up solar energy, ensuring power stability for several hours.

A solar installation in your community scheme ensures that everyone wins!

  • Individual owners benefit from cheaper electricity for their units.
  • An efficient energy supply will boost property value.
  • The body corporate saves on energy costs for lights, electric fences, and swimming pools on common property.

If you are ready to stay warm and save this winter, switch to solar!