Energy efficient solutions for remote work

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Category: Solar and Efficient

Energy efficient solutions for remote work

If you are currently working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have noticed a startling spike in your residential energy costs. The colder months have required a lot of heating, and subsequently, the warmer months will need cooling, impacting electricity consumption immensely. With the entire family at home, you are also probably cooking more meals, heating more water for coffee courage and using electronic devices more to stay in touch with friends, family, and co-workers. In general, being home entails using a lot more residential electricity.

Considering the trajectory of current electricity rates, this means that residential homes and unit owners are feeling the pinch in their pockets. All the while reoccurring spells of load shedding negatively impact remote work output and productivity. When the whole area is without power, even having an inverter does not save you from distress due to cell towers usually being down as well. Electricity supply is a huge problem. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to your energy concerns.

First on the list, are generators.  Even though generators offer an alternative supply of energy, they are costly, noisy and considered a “dirty” source of power as they rely on fossil fuels. For these reasons, many community schemes often do not approve of them. The second is battery-based storage systems to store electricity for future use. Although innovative backup power solutions mean that employees can no longer blame load shedding as an excuse not to work, better efficient energy storage solutions deliver more up-time even through the unprecedented roaming power cuts and are by far more sustainable.

Solar, as the most feasible solution, is one that not only generates a constant and renewable source of clean energy by harnessing the power of the sun but also saves your green. Sectional Title Solutions (Pty) Ltd (“STS”), in partnership with Bright Light Solar VCC Ltd, offer bespoke solar and efficient energy solutions.  Solar solutions to fit your community scheme’s space and meet your remote working energy requirements. Our solar solutions rely on the ever-present sun, while conventional energy relies on the supply of coal and other fossil fuels and when combined with battery storage solutions can provide a holistic solution.

A major concern for most is how to fund these solutions. The STS efficient energy solution offering requires no upfront capital expenditure from you and your community scheme. Also, as an added benefit, the infrastructure is insured and maintained by us at no additional cost throughout the contract. This solar solution is the obvious choice when one wants to secure a constant energy supply whilst cutting back on costs. The icing on the cake is that it also increases the appeal and value of your property – making it a wise investment decision

Choosing solar over conventional energy solutions is a no-brainer. It is a “win-win-win” scenario, where you get to cut costs while contributing positively to the environment – leaving a lasting green legacy for future generations to enjoy.

To find out more about our Efficient Energy solutions, download our brochure below or get in touch with one of our specialist solutions consultants.