Empowering communities: How STS Funding transforms property in South Africa

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Category: Funding and Treasury

Empowering communities: How STS Funding transforms property in South Africa

In today’s challenging economic climate in South Africa, homeowners and community schemes face a myriad of financial pressures. Rising interest rates, increased living costs, and ongoing issues like load-shedding and crime compound these challenges. At Sectional Title Solutions (STS), we understand the strain these difficulties place on individuals and communities. We recognise the unique financial hurdles that community schemes encounter, particularly when it comes to urgent repairs, maintenance, or capital improvement projects. That’s why we offer accessible and affordable funding options tailored specifically to the needs of community schemes and residents.

Community schemes routinely undertake projects ranging from essential maintenance to body corporate improvements. These projects are crucial for preserving and enhancing property values, but funding them can be a significant challenge. Traditional funding methods, such as special levies, often burden unit owners with substantial additional payments, exacerbating financial strain, especially for those unable to pay upfront.

STS provides a solution by offering bespoke funding packages that provide flexibility in funding periods, allowing community schemes to commence projects when needed while accommodating unit owners’ financial circumstances.

Our project funding solutions have enabled schemes to access immediate funds for essential projects without delay. Whether it’s urgent repairs, general maintenance, or capital improvements, our flexible repayment terms and competitive interest rates offer peace of mind to community schemes and residents alike.

We understand that taking out a loan can be daunting, especially given concerns about unethical service providers and scammers. That’s why transparency and fairness are fundamental principles at STS. Our ethical business practices, adherence to the National Credit Act, and market-leading solutions ensure that community schemes can trust us as a reliable funding partner.

Our project funding solutions offer flexible repayment options tailored to each community scheme’s unique financial capabilities. We don’t impose early repayment penalties, providing further flexibility and peace of mind. Additionally, our competitive interest rates, coupled with transparent fee structures, ensure that costs remain manageable for community schemes.


  • Immediate and ongoing access to the project funding solution
  • Bespoke project funding facility with no sign-up or initiation fees
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Monthly loan statement reporting
  • Simple and easy application process

One of our other offerings that particularly resonates in South Africa is solar energy solutions. With unreliable electricity supply plaguing many homeowners, investing in renewable energy systems like solar panels can provide significant benefits. Not only does it reduce energy bills and carbon footprint, but it also boosts property value.

At STS, we believe in providing straightforward and transparent funding solutions that empower community schemes to initiate and complete projects promptly, ultimately safeguarding and enhancing the value of their properties. Our goal is to ensure a sustainable and financially sound future for communities across South Africa.

To learn more about our project funding solutions or discuss a tailor-made proposal for your community scheme, please reach out to us. We’re here to provide the support and financial solutions you need to navigate the complexities of the current economic climate and secure a prosperous future for your community.