Sectional Title Solutions becomes a premier sponsor of Women in Sectional Title (WiST)

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Sectional Title Solutions becomes a premier sponsor of Women in Sectional Title (WiST)

Sectional Title Solutions, the holding company of various subsidiaries focused on providing value-add solutions to sectional title bodies corporate and homeowners’ associations (community schemes) nationally, is extremely proud to announce that as of April 2021 we are premier sponsors of the WiST initiative.

We have chosen to partner with this initiative to show our dedication to creating a gender-neutral environment and industry. It is well known that the sectional title industry is a historically male-dominated field and WiST offers a platform for women to network, learn, share knowledge, collaborate with, and inspire each other while gaining access to the resources they need to succeed and make an impact in this industry.

According to Johnny Wates, CEO at STS, the route to fast track gender parity in the industry is through open and honest discussions.

“We have to co-create and shape the inclusive and collaborative industry of the future and this starts with knowledge share and empowerment of initiatives like WiST. We are delighted to be a part of this initiative.”

The initiative aims to unite women from all areas of the industry by providing opportunities for them to learn, support and network. No other organisation values diverse collaboration like STS, we see and acknowledge diversity in the industry we serve and aim to work in partnership with our community to promote a collaborative and sustainable business relationship for our industry to thrive.

WiST runs monthly webinars on various topics that are decided upon at the monthly steering committee meetings (based on the previous webinars, requests from members and topics/issues prevalent in the industry).

For more information, visit their website at