Rhino conservation in action: a week at Care for Wild

Photo of a group of smiling volunteers

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Rhino conservation in action: a week at Care for Wild

Earlier in October the STSIH group had the privilege of sending a second group of volunteers to the Care for Wild (CFW) rhino sanctuary. This week-long experience left an indelible mark on each of the volunteers as they worked alongside the dedicated staff at CFW, caring for orphaned and injured rhinos and learning about the critical conservation work taking place here.

Holistic approach to conservation

As the world’s largest orphaned rhino conservation facility, CFW is committed to rescuing, rehabilitating, rewilding, and releasing orphaned and injured rhinos. Their mission extends to securing biodiversity in the protected nature reserve and empowering the surrounding community.

Their vision is a future where viable, free-ranging populations of black and white rhinos thrive within protected, vibrant ecosystems. They work tirelessly to create a sustainable development model that involves and empowers rural communities at the core of conservation efforts. This ensures the preservation of endangered species and the overall biodiversity of our planet.

How our solar panel system helps Care for Wild operate

A large ground mounted solar panel

As proud supporters of CFW, we take great pride in our contribution to the rhino sanctuary’s journey toward sustainability. Our donation of a complete efficient energy system has revolutionised CFW’s operations, allowing them to achieve their conservation efforts more effectively.

This system provides CFW with access to reliable, round-the-clock power. It has improved the efficiency of their critical medical equipment and infrastructure, and reduced operational costs, lessening their dependence on expensive diesel generators. Furthermore, it has helped reduce the sanctuary’s environmental impact, emphasising its commitment to clean energy and a smaller carbon footprint.

Champions of hope: The Care for Wild team

During their time at the sanctuary, volunteers had the privilege of witnessing the incredible work that Petronel and her team do for the animals and the surrounding community. Their passion and dedication left the volunteers profoundly moved and inspired to make a difference.

From the moment the volunteers arrived, they were welcomed with warmth and hospitality. The knowledge and experience gained during the information sessions and while driving around the farm were invaluable. The CFW team was patient and always willing to share their expertise, and their professionalism and compassion are truly inspiring.

“I was unprepared for the profound impact of my experience at Care for the Wild. Every day, I was humbled by the dedication of the people around me who were working tirelessly to make the world a better place.”

– David Smith, PV Solar Technician

The orphans

The orphans themselves are a testament to resilience. Despite the trauma they have endured, they continue to thrive under the care of the CFW team.

“Some of the highlights include the time spent with some of the orphans – getting to know their stories, their personalities, and feeding them. Aquazi calling us in the mornings letting us know it’s time for his breakfast, and seeing Daisy enjoy her mud bath.”

– Maryna Wiesner, Group Company Secretary

The stories of these orphans, each with their unique spirit and courage, inspire us to join the cause and ensure a brighter future for all rhinos.

Aquazi’s story is a tale of fortitude against the odds. At only four weeks old, he was found wandering alone in the veldt, suffering from severe pneumonia and extreme vulnerability. With the care of the veterinary and CFW team, Aquazi is going from strength to strength.

Daisy’s arrival at CFW was nothing short of a miracle. Discovered just hours old, weak, and unable to stand, her vulnerability touched the hearts of all who met her. With round-the-clock care, Daisy began her incredible transformation from a fragile calf to a survivor.

These orphaned rhinos remind us that amidst tragedy and loss, there is hope, compassion, and a relentless commitment to safeguarding these incredible creatures. CFW stands as a beacon of light in the fight against poaching, demonstrating the unwavering dedication of those who work tirelessly to protect and rehabilitate these magnificent animals.

A volunteer experience of a lifetime

Every day volunteering at CFW was a tapestry of cherished moments, with each experience holding a piece of magic.

“It is impossible to single out the best experiences and every moment we spent at Care for Wild was extraordinary. A few of my highlights included: feeding the babies, finally meeting Daisy and the other orphans in person, interacting with some of the other rescued wildlife, washing the horses, walking the dogs, and swimming in the river.”

– Lizette Prinsloo, Marketing Communications Specialist

Meeting and working with volunteers from different countries who share the same passion for animals and nature was a unique and heartwarming experience.

“The nights around the fire were priceless, I haven’t laughed so much in a long time. The volunteers from Australia and Malta were such a treat to have with us, they fitted in very well with our group, and we all just had a good time!!!”

– Michelle Hugo, Legal Administration Manager

Care for Wild’s commitment to the community was another aspect that deeply resonated with the volunteers. Maryna shared her experience of contributing to the community: “The opportunity we had to contribute some of our time to assist with the community kids was really fulfilling.”

A bittersweet farewell

The volunteers enjoyed every moment of the experience and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be a small part of CFW’s mission and the work they do. This was an unforgettable adventure, and the memories of this week will be remembered forever.

Thank you once again to the Care for Wild team for their incredible work and for welcoming us into their world. The volunteer experience was nothing short of transformative, STSIH Group are truly grateful for the opportunity to have been a small part of your mission.

How you can help

If you are passionate about animals and conservation, we highly encourage you to support Care for Wild in any way you can. Visit their website to learn more about their work and how you can get involved. Together, we can make a difference and protect the future of the magnificent creatures they care for.