Making shared spaces happy places

Father and young son laughing in a park

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Category: Outdoor

Making shared spaces happy places

Rising costs have us all tightening our belts, and community schemes are no exception. We have a difficult enough time covering all the necessary expenses, so luxuries are often not an option. This might leave common property areas in complexes and estates neglected, unattractive and underutilised.

Improving the aesthetics and enjoyability of shared areas could boost property values, benefitting everyone. However, with everyone skimping on nice to haves, not all unit owners will be eager to fork out special levies for outdoor furniture or a playground.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if there was a way to improve the attractiveness and enjoyment of your common property areas without costing the community scheme a cent? And what if enhancing these shared areas could somehow generate revenue?

Now that would be a win-win-win situation!

Sounds too good to be true?

Nope, not anymore. In proud partnership with STS Outdoor (Pty) Ltd, we offer bespoke, fully funded, and serviced advertising opportunities for community scheme common property areas. If feasible, the variety of infrastructure available to your scheme includes park benches, outdoor picnic benches, jungle gyms, waste bins, notice boards and street poles. Have a look:

Pictures of outdoor furniture and equipment

Just think of the possibilities for your scheme’s playgrounds, swimming pool areas, gardens, and parks!

What’s the catch,” you may ask. There is no catch, here’s the deal:

  • After consultation with trustees and/or directors to determine the ideal placement, we install the furniture, jungle gyms, or other items in your scheme’s common property areas for free.
  • When viable, advertisements from carefully considered partners are placed on the infrastructure – ensuring a source of upfront revenue for your community scheme.
  • Residents get to enjoy improved shared areas and use the equipment.
  • The aesthetics and functionality of shared areas in your complex or estate are enhanced, increasing attractiveness and value for prospective buyers.

It keeps getting better

Best of all, our common property outdoor advertising infrastructure is environmentally friendly. The items are made locally from fully recycled polypropylene wastage. This plastic “timber” reduces the amount of plastic waste pollutants in the environment.

The equipment has been designed with safety, convenience and durability in mind. For example, the benches, jungle gyms and even waste bins have rounded edges and no splinters. This means no snagging, pinching or cutting.

The materials used are non-corrosive and specially designed for outdoor use, minimising any need for maintenance, come rain or sunshine. However, for your peace of mind, we ensure that the infrastructure remains safe, attractive and in good condition by insuring, maintaining and servicing it for the entire period of the agreement. STS Outdoor will replace outdated and broken infrastructure at no cost to your scheme.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch today to start improving your community scheme’s common property areas with eco-friendly, functional and attractive outdoor furniture and start generating advertising revenue. Our specialist Solutions Consultants are standing by to advise you on the ideal solution for your scheme’s shared spaces and to guide you through the process of obtaining the necessary resolutions.