Creating a buzzzz around our beloved honeybees

Bee behind on a flower

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Category: Community, Update

Creating a buzzzz around our beloved honeybees

STS places high value on making an impact on the world and preserving our natural resources for future generations. Sustainability is not only a major consideration in how we conduct our business processes and choose our partners, but is also factored into our corporate social responsibility initiatives.

We feel privileged and grateful to be in the position to support non-profit organisations that share our passion for conserving the environment. We believe that we can impact the world for the better through collaboration and taking decisive action to bring about change one step at a time.

Investing in future communities

Bees may be small but are crucial for ensuring and maintaining healthy ecosystems and food security. The honey they produce is not only delicious, but is also reported to have calmative, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. We don’t always realise that life as we know it depends on these bus(zz)y little bodies. It is estimated that up to a third of our food supply depends on bees and other pollinators.

Unfortunately, due to several reasons, including climate change, parasites, pesticides, habitat loss and irresponsible beekeeping, their numbers are declining. Much of these are the result of irresponsible human activities.

Fortunately, people are becoming more aware of the vital role of these fascinating little creatures and organisations are starting to raise awareness and take action to avoid the further decline of bee populations. Honeybee Heroes is one of these organisations. They are a honeybee sanctuary in the Western Cape who are actively preventing the decline of honeybees in the country. Their projects include conservation through sustainable beekeeping; training and empowering women from low-income communities in ethical beekeeping; and educating consumers.

Bee colonies are excellent examples of our company values of community and collaboration. We are therefore delighted to have sponsored a beehive at the sanctuary as part of their Adopt a Hive initiative. We know that the bees in our hive will be protected and have access to plenty of healthy, pesticide-free food, and that STS has helped another community thrive.

I am excited that we have been able to sponsor a beehive at Honeybee Heroes and contribute to their efforts in saving more bees. Bees have a major impact on our lives and play a significant role in our environment and food systems”, says our CEO Johnny Wates.

Click here if you too would like to adopt a hive. As the founder of Honeybee Heroes, Chris Oosthuizen remarks, “it’s not often that you can do something, and adopt something, and then really see it, taking flight”.