Making a meaningful impact for Mandela Day

A group foto of the smiling group of STS volunteers in front of the entrance to the Alberton Old Age Home

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Category: Community

Making a meaningful impact for Mandela Day

On July 18, we celebrated Nelson Mandela Day, a day of service that celebrates the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. We were honoured to support the Alberton Old Age Home as our Mandela Day initiative, bringing joy and love to the residents who call it home.

Our visit to the Home on Saturday, July 15, was a heartwarming experience that exemplified the true spirit of Mandela Day. Despite the chilly winter morning, our team, along with friends and family, had the privilege of spending quality time with the elderly residents, bringing warmth, joy, and treats to brighten their day. It was a memorable day indeed!

The Alberton Old Age Home serves as a residential care facility for elderly individuals, providing them with a safe and comfortable environment to thrive in their golden years. However, many elderly residents in these facilities often face feelings of loneliness and isolation, having lost spouses, friends, and sometimes even their own family members. Additionally, health challenges further add to their struggles.

We wanted to make our Mandela Day initiative a blast for the residents, because we know how much social connection and fun matter for their well-being. We had a great time doing all kinds of awesome activities with them, exchanging stories and laughter, and pampering them with manicures and foot massages. They got to mingle, joke around, and make memories that will last. We felt so happy to share love and joy with these wonderful older people who deserve more attention and care. It was a rewarding experience for everyone!

Alongside the activities, we were able to provide essential items that will contribute to the residents’ comfort and well-being, thanks to the generous donation of Faith Food Distribution. Residents and staff at the home received socks, beanies, gloves, blankets, and snacks. These items serve not only as practical essentials, but also as symbols of care and thoughtfulness, reminding the residents that they are valued and treasured. We are grateful to all who contributed to making this event possible. Your donations, big or small, have made a significant difference in the lives of these seniors.

That’s what Mandela Day is all about; harnessing the power within each of us to create positive change in our communities. As we commemorate the 10th anniversary of Madiba’s passing, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has themed the 10-Year Remembrance call to action as “The Legacy Lives on Through You”. This resonates deeply with our company values and reminds us of our responsibility to empower and uplift those around us. Empowering our communities is a driving force behind all that we do.

The difficult economic climate has left many people in need of support, making our initiatives more crucial than ever. By collaborating with organisations like Faith Food Distribution, Honeybee Heroes, and the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, we strive to make a meaningful impact.

Through our Mandela Day initiative, we aimed at highlighting the enduring impact the collective can make by embracing compassion, empathy, and a commitment to uplifting others. We want to encourage everyone to take action and make a positive impact, not just on Mandela Day but every day. Whether it’s volunteering your time, donating to a charity, or extending a kind gesture to someone in need, every act of kindness has the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change.

We invite you to explore the websites of the organisations we support, as well as the forgood platform, to find more opportunities for engagement and involvement. Together, let’s continue making a lasting impact and ensuring that the spirit of Madiba shines brightly throughout the year.

As Madiba once said, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”. Let us carry his legacy forward and strive to create a better world for all.