Navigating the legal landscape: Trustee authority and cosmetics businesses in residential sectional title units

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Category: Legal and Advisory

Navigating the legal landscape: Trustee authority and cosmetics businesses in residential sectional title units

Are you a unit owner in a residential sectional title scheme and considering starting a cosmetics business from your home? Or perhaps you’re interested in the legalities surrounding such a venture? The process of obtaining consent for a cosmetics business within a residential sectional title unit involves multiple considerations and challenges. Trustee authority, compliance with regulations, and the impact on other residents’ rights are all crucial factors.

With important considerations, legal obligations, and potential challenges, understanding the legal landscape becomes crucial. Even if consent is granted, it may still be subject to scrutiny if certain concerns were overlooked.  It’s essential for unit owners to have a comprehensive understanding of their rights, obligations, and legal landscape to foster a harmonious and thriving community.

Our legal team has written an insightful article unpacking the legal complexities surrounding trustee authority and cosmetics businesses in residential sectional title units. While this article primarily focuses on cosmetics businesses, similar analyses apply to other home-based ventures, such as remote office setups. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of this topic and shed light on the factors that can influence your business aspirations.


Legal Professional

Justina Chirwa, BA Law, LLB, University of Pretoria, is a Legal Professional at Sectional Title Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Justina was admitted as a Legal Practitioner in August 2017. Justina is a lover of wildlife safaris and has an avid interest in fast cars.
STS team Fausto di Palma


Chief Legal Officer

Fausto Di Palma, BCOM LLB, Rhodes University, Chief Legal Officer of Sectional Title Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Fausto heads up the STS Group’s Legal Team and carries a wealth of knowledge and experience concerning community scheme and property legislation and case law.